WordPress Professional Developer Career Path + OJT

- Description
- Curriculum
- Reviews
In this Career Path, you will learn the skills of a Professional WordPress Developer. You will learn not just WordPress itself, but also the technology behind it. The programming language used behind it and how it runs on a server. According to many sources, 40% of the total websites in the world run on WordPress. That means if we have hundreds of millions of websites all over the world, then almost half of them need WordPress Developers to develop, manage and maintain. This figure is so high which makes technical knowledge and skills in WordPress in high demand. Becoming a WordPress Developer may be easy for some people since there are a lot of free courses and videos available to learn it. But to become a Professional WordPress Developer is difficult. You will need to understand the ecosystem of WordPress, read and write the PHP code behind it, how it handles data, and more than that – Security against malware and cyber-attacks. Benefits of the Career Path
- You will become a Certified WordPress Professional Developer in the Process
- You will be able to read and write codes in PHP
- You will have professional skills in building and developing any WordPress Website
- You will be able to work for clients locally and abroad
- You will earn more by having more than one client
- You will be the first choice of clients if they see your works
- You will earn six months of OJT Experience as Junior WordPress Developer
Included Courses and Topics
- Introduction to WordPress Development
- Graphic Design Concepts
- Photoshop for Business
- Canva Pro for Professionals
- WordPress Development I – Basics of WordPress with Projects
- WordPress Development II – Advanced WordPress with your own Portfolio website
- WordPress Professional Design I – Real World Projects
- WordPress Professional Design II – Real World Projects
- CPanel Access and Modifications
- PHP for Web Servers
- MySQL Database Management
- Cyber Security for WordPress
- REST API for WordPress
- WordPress Technical Issues and Debugging
- Search Engine Optimization
- Copywriting and Content Creation for WordPress
- WordPress Professional Developer Exam – 150 Questions with Troubleshooting
- WordPress Professional Certification
- WordPress Professional Badge
- On-the-Job Training Certificate
- Portfolio Setup
- Curriculum Vitae Builder / Resume Builder
- Job Opportunities in the Philippines
- Job Opportunities abroad
- Getting Hired
- Work Ethics
- Freelancing as WordPress Professional Developer
- Courses will be continuously added and will be free for a lifetime under Full Stack Web Development.
- No Educational Background Needed
- No Deadlines for Projects
- 2x Meeting a week with Instructors and fellow students online
- More instructions inside the Career Path
These courses are self-paced, ready, and available anytime once you get enrolled with Lifetime Access Training Access to:
- Project Management System
- Google Class for WordPress Professional Developers
- Google Meet for Weekly Live Training (Wednesday, Saturday, or Sunday Exclusive for WordPress Professional Developers)
- Learning Materials and Progress Reports
Training Schedule:
- Flexible Time during weekdays
- Fixed Schedule for Live Training once a week
- Six months minimum Training (you can extend if you like to have more months as OJT Trainee)
- Extended Deadline for Real World Projects
Payment Options:
- One-time payment of P16,000 total
- Installment for Six Months Duration P18,000 total (P3,000 per month until fully paid)
Pay via Website:
Click the “Get Course” and got to Cart
- BUX Payment (Union Bank) – GCash, BDO, BPI, Grab Pay, 7-Eleven and more
- Paypal – Use your Paypal Account
- Direct Gcash – Michael Tan 09386159179
- Direct BPI Bank – Michael Tan – 5806432956
To pay just click GET COURSE button
For Installment please proceed to this link:
Career Path + OJT Installment Option
You can also ontact us via Messenger Button in this site or send an email at learncomputertoday101@gmail.com
Start your Future Today!
5Rank 1A - Learning Road Map9:21
6Rank 1B - Learning Road Map II12:03
7Rank 1C - Learning Road Map III10:32
8Rank 1D - Learning Road Map IV14:35
9Rank 2A- Learning Road Map V8:57
10Rank 2B - Learning Road Map VI7:44
11Rank 2C -Learning Road Map VII10:24
12Payment UpdatesVideo lesson
13Google Meet Schedule5
14Your On-the-Job Training17:40